Want to participate?

Yes, we seriously want you to participate. You can contact us, buy our publications, and spread the word around. More importantly, you can contribute: we’re waiting to publish your short prose pieces and sequential graphic art (or comix) in Bangla and English. 

Just remember these few points:

A.) Regarding content, everything is acceptable. If it excites you, if you think you have something to say, or simply speak ill of anything, go right ahead and send it in. Let it fly. Subject matter no bar. We welcome narrative pieces and satire of any kind: humorous, quirky, witty, mature. Submissions can be in the shape of wordless images, prose, or prose interspersed with verse and pictures, but not solely in verse. Sigh, we do not publish poetry.

B.) Style matters. No colons in title, no footnotes. Do try to avoid academic or political jargon, heavy passive voice, and words like 'herewith,' 'hereby,' etc. except in parody.

C.) Colours are beautiful but we like B&W. We publish ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ comics, cartoons and doodles drawn with pens, pencils, markers, watercolours, charcoal, or chihuahua’s tail, whatever. And we can help you with the scanning.

That’s all! Hurry! Unleash the creative beast! Grrrh!